The Comfort of Faith

"I Know That My Redeemer Liveth"

By E.J. Johnson

No peace the world can ever bestow

Like that which Jesus gives
To those who, walking with him, "know"
That their "Redeemer lives."
Almighty Friend, tho' throned above,
His presence still is near,

And his assurance of love
Comfort and soothe and cheer.

Earth's storms may rage, and widly high
The billows round us toll,
But all is peace with Jesus nigh
The tempest to control.

Some mighty sorrow threatens oft
To crush and overwhelm---
O then to hear his whisper soft,
"Peace---I am at the helm."

When toils and cares press heavily
Upon the burdened breast,
How sweet the words, "Come unto me,
And I will give you rest."

To him we take our every care,
With him our burdens leave;
His pity and his help we share,
And strength divine receive.

In all the pains and woes of life,
If we but hear his voice
Above the din of mortal strife,
We may in him rejoice.

Joy in the Lord, rest in his love,
and know the peace he gives.
We have a friend enthroned above---
Our great "Redeemer lives."

Determining the Will of God

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